ever sit back and take in how quickly people come in and out of your life? pretty wild. the semester is over finally, and as i handed in my last paper this morning i felt anxiety ease a bit. walking out of anderson i could finally take a deep breath for the first time in months. you are so tense kelsey, so tense. i got an "i'm sorry", yesterday followed by silence. i didn't appreciate that. not at all, what is that supposed to mean to me. i've been listening to the memorial day demo, cat power, and acoustic bayside way too much lately. it may just be keeping me here. i also recieved a phone call from my mom while i was with some friends last night. she called me crying, and i could not tell you the last time i heard my mom cry. She called because she missed my Dad, and said, "it's just hard this time of year, i miss him, i miss what things could have been for all of us now". Now i love my Dad too, and ofcourse i miss him, but is it bad that none of that has crossed my mind in a while. i don't really think about what could have been because it just isn't. he isn't here, and that is what it is. i've gotten close to a couple new people, some i'm getting to know better. i like where some friendships are headed. with the fall 2009 semester behind me, bring on Christmas things, 2010, and Uganda. i've got things to learn, and places to go.
this is still so beautiful to me
oh yes, ps: last minute visit to devon's shore house last night was the best last minute decision. Barco is home which is great. rode there with her, pinto, preston, and eric. bob joined us on the way home. just being around good friends is nice. we went out on the beach around midnight, not a single person around. the sky was completely clear, and seeing all the stars out, and running around on the beach in the 20 degree weather with friends was the perfect end to this week.
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