Saturday, May 2, 2009

but when i say let's keep in touch i really mean i wish that you'd grow up

I don't keep this up-to-date, figured i'd write something. So classes are basically done. I have to write a paper for my Religion final and take my Race & Inequality in America, and Stat final on the 13th and i a mDONE. weird that freshman year is comming to an end, can't say i'm upset at all. Looking back on the last year, there have been so many ups and downs. Last May i was in a MUCH different place mentally, physically, eh in every sense. I guess i should be proud of some things. exercise/ weight loss, and school have taken priority over mostly everything. It looks like i'll have straight A's this semester. I have lost 20lbs in the last 2 months, still have a long way to go to reach my goal. BUT i have that goal and i am not going to lose sight of it. Uhmm let's see, Richmond this year ruled even more than last year. Seriously lots of fun, cro-mags again were a definate highlight along with the sprinkler system going off, late nights, and the riot after saturday. Other things, let's see. My Mom and i have developed a much better relationship since i've been at school. We've worked through a lot of thing, it was mostly stuff I had to appologize for and she really is great. I'm way lucky to have her as a Mom, I feel bad that i've just now been realizing it for the first time in many years. My Dad's been gone for 5 yrs. WEIRD... not going to lie, from time to time i still wonder what it would be like if he was still here.

So school is almost over, i am excited for summer, working on losing more and more weight and being at my goal by september. Erika and i are still looking at 2bdrm places in south phillay, we will see how things work out. Doing that funnel cake and smoothie business during the summer, making some good monnnay. Beach trips with golden friends. not letting depression consume me. i've got a lot of goals, i'll reach them, and i won't remember the things we used to say.

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