I was somewhere under all of that. I can honestly 100% say i have never enjoyed a set more than I did during Suicide File on friday night. They played every song I wanted to hear, I was disgusting after it and it ruled so much.
This weekend was real neat. Met some new people, housed a bunch of friends/ friends of friends. Saw a lot of friends from all different places. Other highlights included, mario party til about 6am and vince being drunk and i still didn't win, burning my foot with hot eggs, i still don't know how i managed that. sweating out more water than i consumed in the last week in the sweat box known as the starlight ballroom. blacklisted's set, and the new song was so erie and so good. can not wait for that album. buffalo bill sending us home on the right foot. most likely i forgot the actual cool things that happened this weekend. but all in all. this weekend ruled, TIH has improved every year, I don't even know what to expect for next year. excited.
back to the real world, school starts in 2 weeks, so crazy. Back to working my office job at CIL for Temple. This summer has been pretty alright but i think i'm ready to be a grown up again.
i'm pretty sad it's over. i had so much fun. thanks so much for letting me stay over kels i appreciate it so much.
thanks for the blankets and lettin us assholes hang out.
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