Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Okay this soundtrack is perfect in every way. I have seen the movie twice, and plan on seeing it again. You should see it if you haven’t. A lot about self realization in a new and bright concept, bright in the innovation of it, not the tone of the movie, the movie is rather dark in that area. The self realization of a child, the journey we are all on in a more basic and beautiful form. Children have less baggage and don’t have an image to maintain. They hurt in raw form, out in the open for all to see.

I don’t want to whine or complain, because really who wants to hear that? I know I don’t. Our lives are far less great than we make them out to be, not in a glass half empty sort of way, but in that we all become a little egocentric in regard to our own existence. We have this idea that everyone around us cares so much about what we do or don’t do, that if we mess up or let someone down it is the ultimate end of the world. Hey, it really isn’t right? I mean chances are whatever you are doing is hardly a concern for the majority of the people you feel it is. They have much more important things to worry about than you cancelling plans or taking a semester off from school. We form this schema in which success must look like. That if we do not go to college, graduate in 4 years, and get a job, we are lazy and doing nothing with our lives. More and more I am hating this concept. I think maybe I would enjoy school a little more if it wasn’t forced upon me, if it was something I just wanted to do, rather than I requirement . I really am the last person to be speaking about this.

So here is November, and I am nowhere near the goals I had set. I won’t stop working towards them. I think it is taking a lot more than I expected, and harder to overcome the things I would like. This idea of piety and selflessness has seemed to come up in a lot of my courses this semester. An interesting concept that there can never really be a completely pious or altruistic individual, can an individual exist solely for the good of others? I think in every act of kindness and “selflessness” there is a bit of selfishness, in the good feeling we get from helping or in the reaction we get from those we help. I don’t know, that’s an argument that doesn’t really have a reachable conclusion.

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