Tuesday, November 10, 2009


t-minus 12ish weeks and counting; can not wait, can not wait ahhhh

okay okay; just one little frustration, you know the feeling when you can't think or try to figure out anything you want to think about or try to figure out. when life, school, people, work, the internet, take up all of YOUR brain time, and make it THEIR brain time. yeah, that feeling. I HATE THAT FEELING. It is extremly limiting, but what else would you expect when your mind is being taken over, flooded by everything you want to just run away from. Because maybe things would make a little more sense, maybe if we stepped outside we wouldn't actually be doing a lot of this at all? I have no clue because I don't think i've really done this, I've tried, the thought is nice right? What would we really gain from it, the push and pull of our every day lives keeps us busy and maybe what we do through out the day is useful in not allowing us to think too deply, or when we do it is almost indefinitly interupted. We probably wouldn't like what we found, yeah we think we're bad now, right?

forever my favorite lyrist ever ever ever.

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