i'm a few hours into te next decade of my life. my 20's. pretty WILD right. Ha i mean never really thought of it being a big deal, until last night as i was falling asleep. i realized in these next 10 years,some of the most important things will be happening or "should" be happening. graduating college, finding a job, doing my masters in social work (most likely), meeting my husband (HAH) and starting a family? Buying a house? a lot is supposed to happen in these next 10 years. am i ready? no way. i'll take it as it's handed to me, and go from there. it's crazy think of some or any of that happening. well, i had a really okay christmas, and okay birthday. i don't know why i was bummed to turn 20, but i was. mom treated us to Thai which is always nice. awful weather, trying to get my things together, and i finally found myself back in the city around some of my favorite people. i made some people happy with christmas gifts,and i think that was my favorite part. i got some ridiculous stuff from hober and chad, and april got me the best things ever. she spent way too much on me. barco suprised me with a cake, and a gift. it was just a nice way to end a mediocre couple of days. tonight is what i've been siked on anyways. running some errands, going to cro-mags, and then having people over after for my birthday. i am lucky i think, please remind me of that.