Saturday, January 3, 2009

letting go

of everything and anything, God take control because i know everytime i do i screw it up, help me. give me wisdom and strength, show me want you want me to do for you, and where you want me to go. If it's Uganda, or wherever. i want to walk where you want me... keep me humble, break my legs when they need to be broken. your love is perfect, and your grace is enough. help me love you Lord

Thursday, January 1, 2009


ahhhh so so much to look forward to in this new year. 2008 wasn't so bad, it had it's ups and downs no doubt but all in all, nothing i didn't make it out of. i was real lucky in a lot of ways this year, alot of grace i didn't deserve. Brought in the new year last night with the people i love most, the golden ones. honestly have seen who will be there in the end, and that's who i spend my extra time with... so if you don't see me much or im not askin to hang, that's why. no like harsh feelings or anything, i just can recognize a friendship from an aquaintance. hah ive said this all before so this is getting overdone. anyway had alota fun, lazer tag, big blow up slide, roller skating, big bertha etc and then spendin hours talkin about 80s music with derek and matt. tomorrow is my bday party, it should be fun, who ever wants to be there will, who ever doesn't care, i really couldn't care less.

Wooooooooooo baking and cleaning and stuff